Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Crazy Life...that I LOVE!!!

OK so there is a lot to play catch up with so I will try to make it all short and to the point (yeah right)...

On Tuesday we moved into our new house for the next 2 years ;). We then went grocery shopping to stock up our frig. We only spent about $200 which is way less that I thought for HI so that was amazing. Food really is not that much more expensive, which is a huge blessing. The only items I have found to be more expensive are milk and eggs. In some cases the food is actually cheaper ;). We decided to go to North Shore that night to get something to eat. It was amazing down there. We actually got to see a casting call for the new t.v. series Hawaii 5-0...craziness! We then ate amazing food and of course I ended up forgetting my purse. We had to go all the way back and grab it but of course we weren't complaining about going back to the beach. That was about it for Tues.

Wednesday all of our stuff showed up which made me REALLY excited. We had almost the whole house unpacked by the afternoon. I can't stand boxes and clutter so you won't get pics until the house is all unpacked and cleaned ;). We had to go to Lowe's (one of my favorite stores) to pick up some supplies to puppy proof the back yard. I love looking around Lowe's and this night I was glad for my browsing. I found the washer and dryer that we had been debating about now for 1/2 of what it was the last time. It had been returned bc for some reason it wasn't spinning right. Lowe's had fixed it and everything was working again so we could get a $900 washer for only $397 I was like heck yes!!! It was the exact washer and dryer we had wanted. We found the dryer but it was $800 and something and I really didn't want to pay that for a dryer but then I saw that they had a sale that took 20% off then we get a military discount for 10% more off so we decided it was too good to pass up and we bought them ;). God def. blessed us big time. If we hadn't waited we would have just gotten the cheapest ones but for only like $200 more we now have our dream washer and dryer lol. Anyway that was about it for that night.

(empty boxes)

Thursday we ran to post to pick up somethings and just to look around. I was able to try another HI dish named Poke. I was so good. Basically it is just raw fish seasoned and served with rice. We then just went home and finished decorating.


Friday was puppy day. They needed some love after the move and all the chaos of unpacking so we spent all day with them except for one or two little projects.

(picture project I finished)

Today, Nate had a draft and then we are off the the beach ;). We are excited since this is our first really trip to a HI beach. Monday we are having a cookout at the Scotts for Labor Day.

Well, that about sums it up I will update this post again soon with pictures (Nate has the pic computer right now). Write again soon!

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