1. A forgiving and gracious God who has given me all the things I am thankful for.
2. A husband I am so proud to call mine. He is so selfless and I respect him so much for his willingness to serve and fight for our freedom. He makes me oh so happy.
3. My family. I will miss them a lot this holiday season but I know they won't forget me :).
4. Nate's family (all of them, and there is a lot). They have adopted me into their lives and never fail to make me feel welcomed or included in all of their lives.
5. My friends on the mainland, you know who you are (too many to list)...for all of your support through the years and for those especially that make a point to keep in touch even though we are far away right now. We miss you guys like CRAZY!!!
6. For our Hawaii friends and family that have made the transition so much easier.
7. For a place to go on Thanksgiving.
8. For my puppies who keep me company ;)
I am thankful for so much more but these are the biggies. Nate and I just to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We love you!
(Our "rock garden" before)
(Our pretty garden after)
(My new Battalion pin...not a good pic)
(This is paradise)
(Nate's dirt cake...so flippin good!)
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