Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Getting Set Up to Step Up!!!

       Well, lets just say God is awesome! Today was def. a realization day! Learning things about myself and exactly what I can handle and the standards I should set for myself. I went to the PWOC meeting today and then afterward proceeded to go to the Bible Study "Daniel" by Beth Moore. Nate is my strength and my verbal barrier. I have realized that I count on Nate to be my leader emotionally, spiritually, and verbally. Nate being gone has shown me that without a leader I need to Step Up to the plate and lead myself, which I haven't been doing a great job. I have what is called word vomit. You know what I mean? We are all guilty of it at some points. It is when our life gets to a boiling point that words and frustrations just spill forth spewing from our mouths before we get a chance to grab a waste basket for them to fall into to be contained. We don't realize what we are saying and the effect it has.I on the other hand am also guilty of not turning the mirror on myself. I am eager to point out when others are talking about Me and doing Me wrong, but while talking about what they are doing, I am actually "talking about them". I think they have no idea what I'm going through or they wouldn't be saying that or doing that. Therefore the cycle continues and nothing ever gets resolved. I urge you to take the high road!!! It may be difficult to take that first step of admitting your wrongful doings. The great things is that if things don't change you tried and that is all we can do. God calls us to love one another, now that doesn't mean we always have to like them ;) (j/k), but we should treat others how we would want to be treated. I often forget others are sometimes different from me. I can let things roll off my shoulders, forgive and forget and not care what anybody in the world thinks, but this doesn't mean everyone else is the same way. I am always trying to learn more about myself and others through all the experiences I go through. God has truly blessed me with being able to learn new things through the good and the bad! I am def. looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me through this Bible Study.

I will update again soon, maybe next time about the crafts I am working on ;)

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